Peace in the Pandemic
The wind was gently blowing,
The sails were billowing full
My ship sailed smoothly on
Toward the distant goal.
Then came a sudden change
Uneasy thoughts of gale.
Will waves grow vast
The storm ‘gainst us prevail ?
But the wind, in isolation,
Had left its vital role,
The sails? They hang inactive.
There is no protocol.
The storm seems all around me
Many have felt the toll,
My usual plan of action
Finds no functional role.
A dire sense of disquiet,
In a hurting universe,
It’s time to let a higher power
My uneasiness disperse.
“Rest in me my child dear,
My peace to you I send
Though you don’t understand,
I know beginning to the end.”
And as that night so long ago,
When his “Peace be still,” was heard
My heart finds calm and comfort,
By his love I’m reassured.