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Ode to a Tomato


Oh thou luscious green and pungent vine

Dotted with tiny yellow bloom,

Whispering succulent taste divine

As I thy health so carefully groom

And dream of scrumptious meals to come.

When first thy teeny olive orbs appear

Hidden midst thick, leaved stems

Tickling my senses, thou dost endear

Thyself to my heart—those little gems—

They fairly make my taste buds strum.

I can water and I can surely feed,

But that is not all that thou dost need,

I can carefully hoe and eliminate weed,

‘Tis then to God alone that I must cede

To supply remaining spectrum.

Oh, to behold thy freshly reddened cheeks

Greeting me from behind the leaves.

Anticipation whetted many weeks

Now with bursting joy and thanks receives

The goodness thy maturing gained.

Thy smooth roundness cradled in my hands

With absolute care conveyed

To where my familiar table stands.

Willingly thou givest thy goodness, splayed,

My salivating taste to satisfy.

Oh nectar divine, most exquisite bliss,

My taste buds tingle most wonderfully.

What pleasure and delightful ecstasy this

As I partake of thy goodness so thankfully

Thou succulent tomato, mine.

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